Mike Morter

Hi! I'm Mike Morter

I am full-stack developer hailing from the great state of Virginia.

I love learning new things and meeting new people! Web development has me excited to solve problems creatively, find new solutions to everyday problems, and bring an exciting energy to any team.

Technologies experienced with:

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • JQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Node
  • Express
  • Knex
  • PostgresSQL

About Me

I have had different jobs and roles that have taken me around the world. One of the most exhilarating was being a part of a band called Churchill. I play many instruments, but my forte is the mandolin.

Creativity is what drives me. Whether it is music, videography, or web development, I try to bring a creative aspect to everything. This is why I have a passion for web development. There are so many ways to express your creativity and expertise.

Within all of my endeavors, I have been able to learn how to work with a team. Teamwork is essential to make things happen, and I thrive in a team environment. If you are looking to add a full-stack software engineer to your team, please reach out to me.

Mike and Ali


A photo of the the dashboard to a restaurant app.

Restaurant Reservation

This application was made for my capstone project for Thinkful Flex Software Engineering course. It is a reservation system and table manager to be used to track reservations as well as seat reservations to tables while updating their progress. The entire application was made to meet various user stories that the Thinkful course defined.

A photo of the decoder ring project.

Decoder Ring

This application showcases the tests and algorithms that I wrote for a surprise birthday party for a friend who loves escape rooms. I was able to write three different ciphers for the escape room.

A photo of the local library project

Local Library

My neighborhood decided to put together a local library where people can lend and borrow books. One of the most important features needed to organize this was a dashboard that will show which books are available, which are currently out, and other general statistics about the program. I was able to write the JavaScript for this project.

A photo of the FlashCard app.


This application was built for study purposes. The user is able to easily study for any subject by creating their own sets of flashcards. Users are able to create and delete both cards and decks.


Feel free to contact, connect, or follow me here:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. Github
  3. Email